Machiajul se poate lega de absolut orice si poate fi inspirat din absolut orice element – vestimentar, decorativ, un accesoriu sau un tablou. Pentru a ilustra ceea ce spun, va propun o mini-serie de machiaje inspirate din anumite piese de bijuterie de autor. Astazi voi incepe cu un inel – Antagonist Ring. Sper sa va placa
Make-up can be tied to absolutely anything and can drive inspiration from any element – whether it’s a piece of clothing, a decorating object, an accessory or a painting. In order to help you visualize what I’m saying, I suggest we have a mini-series of make-up looks inspired by certain pieces of designer-jewelry. Today, I shall launch this project with a ring – the Antagonist Ring. Hope you like it
Inspirata fiind de forma si de culorile inelului, am creat un machiaj ceva mai conic in zona ochilor folosind diferite nuante de maro, brun si gri pentru a ilustra metalul si am accentuat “duritatea” machiajului cu un strop de pigment auriu concentrat in coltul intern al ochiului pe care l-am “pierdut” spre exterior. Fiind o bijuterie ce exprima un caracter puternic, dar in acelasi timp nonconformist, am redat indrazneala cu ajutorul unui ruj unic prin culoarea piersicie-corai-roz intens – NYX Femme.
Inspired by the ring’s shape and colours, I’ve created an eye make-up that is somewhat more towards a cone-shape using various shades of brown and grey to represent the metal and a bit of golden pigment focusing on the inner corner. As this is a piece of jewelry that shows a strong character, while keeping its unusual spirit, I’ve used this unique shade of lipstick to emphasize all that – NYX Femme.
Super tare machiajul Anca Inelul imi place la nebunie